From the six renderings, the top three concepts were selected:
First place goes to Design F, Clarence Babineaux with SGB Architects:
Second place closely followed with Design D by Mark Prevot of Mark Prevot Design Services:
Mike McSwain of McSwain Architects with Design C took third place:
Community members showed their support for the project, placing over 1,400 votes online over the course of one week.
The winning concept by SGB Architects will attract attention from all who see it, and serve to emphasize the pride the Bossier Parish community takes in being the home to Barksdale AFB. By its sheer size with a 199’ flagpole topped with a 30’X50’ flag and a pair of restored, authentic B52 wings, the gateway will make a great first impression as we show our patriotism.
We are in the very early phases of this project, and there is still much work to accomplish, including determining the overall estimated cost and identifying funding, necessary permits, and expanded drawings to determine the feasibility of actually constructing the winning concept.
Because we are still determining the feasibility of this design, there may be adjustments to the concept as we move forward with this process.
Keep Bossier Beautiful would like to extend a special thanks to all the architects and community leaders that are making this project possible. KBB is honored to be a part of this process as we work together to continue the mission of beautifying Bossier.
Additional information will be released as we progress with the planning and design of this project.